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What is the Introductory Biology 152 “IP” Project?

We have our own set of terms that have a unique meaning within the course. For example, “IP” stands for “Independent Project.” All students in Introductory Biology 152 do an independent project in lab. They can choose to do a group (two or three students) Data-first research project; or, they can do a Mentored Research Project instead. Please note than “independent” means “not part of the regular lab activities.” It doesn’t mean “by myself” or “alone.”

How do the two - the Data-first and Mentored Research options - differ?

Data-first is focused on analysis of data available in the literature or in publicly available databases. This can be an exciting opportunity to learn more about some phenomenon that you have always found interesting. You may come to the project with a research topic in mind and as you explore what is known about the topic, you will find data, hone a research question, and develop a hypothesis. From there, you will work with your data to answer your question. This process of scientific discovery is rarely linear, and it typically requires you to revisit earlier steps as your refine your understanding of what is already known. This IP option is generally done in groups of 2-3 students.

Mentored Research is focused on analysis of experimental data gathered by the student under the guidance of a Research mentor (e.g., a professor, graduate student, post doc, scientist on campus). Students that pursue this option must take the initiative to find a lab on campus that conducts research that is broadly related to biology. Note that in Bio 152, we take a very expansive view of what topics are related to biology. Previous students have completed this option in labs ranging from medicine to chemistry. If you have any questions about whether a given topic or lab could work, please reach out to course coordinators.

How is the Introductory Biology 152 independent project related to COMM-B?

Introductory Biology 152 fulfills your COMM-B requirement. Through your lab section and your IP, you will write multiple papers, revise those papers based on feedback from your peers and mentors, deliver oral presentations, as well as design a research poster and present it at the Introductory Biology Poster Symposium at the end of the semester.

How do I choose an IP topic?

Set aside some time to think broadly about topics in biology that are of interest to you. This may be something related to your career aspirations, or just something you think is fascinating! Aim to do this at a time where you can really run with it. Don’t be too quick to shoot down ideas or assume they are too far out. After brainstorming a few topics, go on the internet and see what you can find about them. Spend some time refining your thoughts and try to answer any preliminary questions you may have. After spending some time with these topics, feel free to start searching for researchers at UW-Madison who work on the topic of broader field of interest to you. From there, you may want to reach out to the researchers you found and ask to meet with them or if they have any open positions in their lab. Don’t worry if you don’t have everything figured out by the beginning of the semester, we do build in time for you to work through this during the first few weeks of class.


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If I want to do Mentored Research what are the requirements?

A Mentorship is an opportunity for you to do biological research in an established laboratory on Campus. INTRO BIO 152 encourages all the students to do undergraduate research. As a general rule, you will be expected to work about 100 to 150 hours with your mentor during the semester. In exchange, you will earn two credits through the mentor’s Department. The specific requirements for each individual mentorship are set by the mentor.

Am I exempt from attending regular INTRO BIO 152 labs if I do mentored research?

No, everyone enrolled in IB 152 is required to do all the regular lab work as outlined in the lab manuals and as assigned by the lab instructor. You will get a grade for your lab work and attendance. That grade will be about 20% of your final grade for IB 152.

Are the two credits I get from my mentor included in the five credits granted by INTRO BIO 152?

No. You will receive 5 credits for Introductory Biology 152. In addition, you may receive 2 credits of directed study or independent research from your mentor.

How do I enroll for the two credits?

Obtain the form titled Authorization to register for directed study credit in your mentor’s department from your Intro Bio 152 coordinator. Follow the directions at the top of this form carefully. Do not bring the completed form back to your coordinator.

  1. Your Mentor’s signature is required for you to enroll in a “directed studies” type of course
  1. Your Mentor will decide which specific course you will enroll in. For example, if your Mentor is in the Botany Department, he/she might allow you to enroll in BOT 699 or BOT 399 or BOT
  1. You will need to find the Course Number for the course the mentor indicated you should enroll in (see above). This is a unique five-digit number that reflects all of these:
    1. The semester (Fall 2008 in this case)
    2. The specific Mentor
    3. The Mentor’s Department
    4. The specific level (299, 399, 699, )

If your Mentor doesn’t know the specific five-digit course number, you can get it by consulting the online Timetable. If the number is not listed there, ask the Departmental secretary in your Mentor’s Department.

  1. The “directed studies” type of courses require permission to enroll. As noted above, complete the Authorization to register form. Get your mentor to sign it. Take it to your Mentor’s Departmental Office—they should be able add your name (as a Permission in ISIS) to the computer so that you can register online for the credits. You will need to get the 5 digit authorization code from
  1. Finally, with the correct 5 digit course code and the Permission in ISIS, you can go to any computer and

How do I find a Mentor?

  1. Use the web to locate faculty and their research
      1. Go to the UW website (www.wisc.edu)
      2. Under Admissions – click on Graduate
      3. In the gray menu at the left – click on Academic Programs
      4. In the search box at the top of this screen, type in a key word, for example, genetics or ecology or immunology. Click on the search button to get a list of departments on campus doing this type of
      5. Click on the Department(s) of interest to you.

    At the departmental web site look for a listing of faculty and their research interests. Sometimes this is under “Personnel”, other times it’s under “Faculty” or “Research”, etc.

    Once you find a list of faculty, click on individual names to get a brief description of the research each is doing.

      1. Read through the information you get from the various web sites you visit and pick 4 to 6 faculty members with whom you would like to

    Print the pages that contain the researchers of interest and bring these with you to your meeting with the coordinator.

    1. Sign up for an appointment to meet with your coordinator to go over your faculty choices. Do this ASAP by signing up on the sheets outside your coordinator’s
    2. Complete any forms the coordinator has indicated you need before coming to the
    3. At your meeting, the coordinator will then give you information on how to contact
    4. Following this meeting, you will set up an initial meeting with the professor to determine if you have mutual interests and expectations. Take your resume with you and the packet of information about the Intro Bio 152 mentored research program. (Your coordinator will provide you with a format for resumes and the packet of information when you )

Can I do research in anthropology or psychology?

Yes, but only if your specific topic is biological in nature. All the research done with animals is acceptable. Some of the research done on human subjects might not be biological. For example, any research involving social organization, opinions, emotions, likes and dislikes, are considered to be social science rather than biological science.

What if I already have a Mentor?

Good! But, you still have to meet with your coordinator. We also need to provide your mentor with information about the requirements of an Introductory Biology 152 mentored research project. For example, at a minimum, your Mentor will have to revise your paper at least once and he/she will have to approve the contents of your poster.

Can I get paid for my work in the lab instead of taking the credit?

If you are already working in a lab for pay and your mentor is willing to pay you for doing your mentored research you can continue to be paid. You can receive either pay or credit for the work, but not both.  See your coordinator if you have any questions about this.

I am enrolled in CALS’s Honors Program or the Undergraduate Research Scholars program. Can I use that research for an INTRO BIO 152 mentorship?

Please check with your program.

Who will actually oversee my work in the mentor’s lab?

Sometimes, the mentor her/himself will be the person who will train you and will guide you through the process. Alternatively, the Mentor will designate another member of his/her staff to be your immediate supervisor.

What type of work am I expected to do in the mentor’s lab?

You must do hands on and brains on work. You must be an active participant in the lab. Ideally, you will attend the lab’s weekly meetings. The specific details are entirely up to the Mentor or her/his designee.

How many hours am I supposed to work each week?

On the average, students doing mentorships work for about 10 hours each week or a total of about 150 hours per semester

When do I work in the lab?

Your research schedule is decided by your mentor according to the research needs and according to your available time. Often, after the project is under way, you will be able to adjust your schedule a little.

Some Mentors micromanage their labs according to very strict rules. Other Mentors are very easy going. Regardless, you are expected to do the required work and you are expected to follow the Mentor’s guidelines.

Can I do some of the work in advance?

Yes, if you have the time and if the mentor agrees.

Will I have to do some cleaning and other menial tasks?

Every successful scientist on Campus has done a lot of dish washing, a lot of clerical work, and a lot of supplies managing and ordering. This is not glamorous work but it is an essential part of research. Of course, this type of work should be a minor component of your overall workload. If the only thing you do is prepare solutions, clean test tubes, refill micropipetter tip boxes, and order pizza; then, you are not doing a mentorship. You are just a gopher. Contact your Coordinator if this type of situation occurs.

Does the time spend in training count toward the 2 credits of independent research?

Yes it does. Any time wisely and effectively spent learning techniques, protocols, and “the ropes” does count toward your minimum. If you are required to get a license to operate a complex scientific instrument or to handle hazardous materials, the time spent getting such license does count toward the minimum. Some special training required to handle live animals also counts.

Does the time I will spend reading papers and books count toward the 2 credits?

No, it doesn’t. Every student in the course (whether they are doing mentored or library research) must do a lot of reading to prepare for the IP.

Does the time I’ll spend writing and revising my paper count toward the two credits?

Absolutely not! Writing, revising, reviewing, conferencing with mentor, printing, making the poster, and any other time expenditure related to writing cannot be used to fulfill the minimum number of hours required for your 2 credits mentorship. All students taking INTRO BIO 152 are required to write the IP paper and to design, construct and present a poster.